Alexander Street Video (68 min)
This audio presentation teaches how to prepare for and conduct employee reviews, in an easy-to-understand, step-by-step process. It covers common mistakes to avoid, sample documents to use and best practices to follow.
Alexander Street Video (9 min)
Carol expects to be showered in praise at her forthcoming appraisal with Marcus, but is shocked to find Serena will be sitting in. When they question Carol’s extremely high self-assessment, she becomes defensive and angry, especially when Marcus announces no bonus and a pay cut!
Kanopy (54 min)
Our ability to accurately judge talent is hampered by unconscious and subjective distractions. Hiring decisions are affected by common biases, such as favoring tall or attractive candidates, or by superficial first impressions of likability. In fact, according to Professor Flynn, standard hiring interviews are only slightly more reliable than handwriting analysis in predicting on-the-job performance! Far superior are work sample tests and intelligence tests,
Films on Demand (13:51 min)
HR consultant Peter Wallbridge explains how to best conduct performance reviews. Companies should maintain an ongoing development culture rather than only a once-a-year review; this helps avoid surprises. Employeers should agree on goals in KRAs (Key Result Areas) and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators.) Wallbridge discusses how to go about assessing performance and discussing career development.
Library Video Databases
The following library databases can be accessed from the Databases page.
An online research management platform including a bibliography composer and note-taking features.
What is it?
NoodleTools is a resource that allows students to evaluate resources, build accurate citations, archive source material, take notes, outline topics, and prepare to write. it generates accurate MLA, APA, and Chicago/Turabian references with options to annotate and archive lists of documents. It offers a visual 'tabletop' to manipulate, tag and pile notecards, then connect them in outlines to prepare for writing. Why use it?
Use this resource if you are looking for an all-in-one resource to assist with note-taking, citations, and pre-writing projects.