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BA437-637: International and Global Business: Week 9

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Assignments for Week Nine

TextbookHill, Charles, W. L. & Hult. G. T. (2019).  International business: Competing in the international marketplace (13th ed.).

Focus of Week Nine 

Regional Economic Integration, or how countries handle cross-border trading, and the International Monetary System (IMF).

Complete details of assignments are in your Blackboard classroom. See box below for some recommended resources to complete assignments.

Assignment 9.1
Review Chapters 9 and 11.and review Chapter 9 PowerPoint Summar and Chapter 11 PowerPoint Summary and 

Discussion Board:

  • Using the product and target foreign country you selected for the Week 3 Discussion Board, describe the exchange rate regime in practice in that country. Also, discuss the types and levels of Regional Economic Integration that affect your target foreign country and what opportunities or threats they bring. (e.g. free or fair trade, customs union, common market, political union, economic union, European union)
  • Post a substantive reply to one other student’s post.

Assignment 9.2 - - Research Assignment 
13th Edition BA437-637 Students - Read the Closing Case in Chapter 9, NAFTA 2.0: The USMCA. Using at least one other current and credible source, write a critical analysis of the USMCA. Discuss why both political parties were able to work together on USMCA when both political parties are polarized on most other issues.

12th Edition BA437-637 Students - Read the Closing Case in Chapter 9, The Push toward Free Trade in Africa, Using at least on other current and credible source, write a ctirical analysis discussing the TFTA and its effect on member nations.

BA637 Students Only – Additionally, examine, identify and discuss possible reasons why after withdrawing from the world’s largest trade agreement, the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), the Trump Administration failed to negotiate another agreement like NAFTA/USMCA.

Suggested Resources for Week Nine

The library provides various types of electronic resources to support the topics discussed in Week Nine of BA437-637..Click on resource types below to access.

These electronic books can be accessed directly from this LibGuide by clicking on the title. 

Journal Articles
Scholarly articles from the Bellevue University Library databases as well as from credible business magazines. Click on the title to link to the full text.

Streaming Videos
Videos from library databases, as well as those freely available on the web, are included. Some are embedded while others are accessed with a link to the video.

Useful credible websites directly related tor Week Nine are listed.