The overall ranking of Best Countries measure global performance on a variety of metrics. he 2021 Best Countries rankings, formed in partnership with BAV Group, a unit of global marketing communications company VMLY&R, and The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, are based on a study that surveyed more than 17,000 people from four regions to assess perceptions of 78 countries on 76 different metrics.
A subranking of the Best Companies for Business Ranking. based on an equally weighted average of scores from five country attributes that relate to how business-friendly a country is: bureaucratic, cheap manufacturing costs, corrupt, favorable tax environment and transparent government practices.
Provides basic iinformation on the history, people, government, economy, energy, geography, environment, communications, transportation, military, terrorism, and transnational issues for 266 world countries.
From the World Bank, economies are ranked on their ease of doing business, from 1–190. A high ease of doing business ranking means the regulatory environment is more conducive to the starting and operation of a local firm. Sort by region or by income.
Entering the global market requires strategic thinking, research, and a methodical approach. Five factors to consider: market research and strategy, laws and regulations, local workforce, marketing and culture, languages and localization
A shift is occurring: global markets already are more important than national markets for small and medium-size countries, and they are approaching that status for large economies. .
Highlights mportant basics of international IP registration and a cautionary tale based on Harry and Meghan's experience.. Nine things you need to know to register an international trademark
Notwithstanding differences in recognizing and enforcing trademark rights, many jurisdictions have agreed upon common procedures or protocols for filing trademark applications. These options are discussed below.
JuriGlobe is a research group formed by professors from the Faculty of Law of the University of Ottawa, which focuses on the development of a multilingual information data bank, accessible to all on the internet, containing general information relating to the different legal systems in the world...Includles GDP and GNI of countries of the world as well
Scroll about halfway down and click on one of the top 10 featured countries for 2020, then click on Read More for more information about doing business in that country.
Trade Agreements can create opportunities for Americans and help to grow the U.S. economy. They lay out “rules of the road” for U.S. companies looking to do business in markets around the world by reducing barriers to U.S. exports, protecting U.S. interests, and enhancing the rule of law in trade agreement partner countries. Provides guides on various types of trade agreements, including free trade agreements, trade agreements, WTO agrements and more.