As of August 1, 2013, access was limited for 500 select articles within the journal Harvard Business Review. These 500 articles can no longer be linked to directly or printed, and in some cases they cannot be saved. They are still available in full-text format within the Business Source Complete databases however, and can be accessed by following this step-by-step process.
1. From the library homepage, click the “Journal Search" link under the "Find" drop-down menu.
2. In the search box, type in ‘Harvard Business Review’ and click search.
3. This will display a list of the various formats Bellevue University has available for the Harvard Business Review. Click the link to the Business Source Ultimate database.
4. If you are off-campus, you will now be prompted to log-in with your BRUiN account information. If you are on-campus or already logged-in, you will be taken directly to the Harvard Business Review publication within the Business Source Complete database.
5. On the right hand side of the page are links to individual issues of the Harvard Business Review, sorted by year and volume. If you know what issue the article is located in, you can browse here to access it directly.
If you don’t know what issue to find the article within, you can search the Harvard Business Review instead of browsing. On the top left of the Harvard Business Review page, above the ‘Publication Details’ section, there is also a link to search within the publication.This link takes you to the Business Source Ultimate database search, with the code JN “Harvard Business Review” automatically filled in within the search box. This code will limit all search results specifically to the Harvard Business Review. Use the Boolean operator “AND” to separate this code from your search terms, or use the advanced search function.
6. Once you find the article you are looking for, you can open the record for more information, or directly access the full-text of the article.