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BS in Education: Videos

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EDUC 210 Videos

Streaming videos from the Library databases and the Internet for EDUC 210 - Introduction to Teaching

Library Video Databases

The following library databases can be accessed from the Databases page.

Films on Demand - Provides streaming films from sources such as Films for the Humanities and Sciences and Cambridge Educational.
Kanopy - Provides streaming videos on a variety of subjects; includes titles from PBS, BBC, Criterion Collection, Media Education Foundation and more.
Alexander Street Videos - Multidisciplinary collection contains thousands of videos.

Videos from Library Databases

Internet Videos

These videos are freely available online.

Common Core Implementation Video Series 
To further aid states as they continue to implement the Common Core State Standards (Standards), the Hunt Institute and the Council of Chief State School Officers have commissioned a series of video vignettes that explain the Standards in far greater depth. 

New Teacher Survival Guide Series (from the Teaching Channel)
See “Related Videos” for more videos from this series.

The New Teacher Experience Grades 9-12  (56 min, from the Teaching Channel)