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BA 212 Customer Service Essentials: Tips and Tutorials

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Searching Tips

Discovery Search 

Another option for finding library resources is Discovery Search, which searches multiple databases simultaneously. In fact, you can use it to search for articles, books, and more, without having to repeat your search over and over. This can be a real timesaver. Not every database is compatible with this type of search, but most of them are. Discovery Search replaces Simple Search and is a more powerful tool. You will find it on the library homepage right under the photo of the library.

How to Find Scholarly Articles and Peer Reviewed Articles

The journal databases all have a Scholarly Journals option so be sure to mark this limiter as well as Full Text option  before you start your search. All peer reviewed journals are scholarly, but not all scholarly journals are peer reviewed. Scholarly journals publish articles from experts in teh field and are directed toward an academic audience, but peer reviewed (refereed) journals have the extra step of a review by a panel of scholars in the field before being accepted for publication.

Another way to find out if a journal is peer reviewed, is to go to Ulrichs, one of our library databases. Type in the title and read the description to see if it is peer reviewed or scholarly. You can also go to the website of the journal for this information.


You may choose all of the databases within EBSCOhost at once or just choose those that most fit your needs. A good place to start is Academic Search Premier, an EBSCOhost database which covers a broad range of disciplines. The basic search screen is the default screen you will see, but you can also select the advanced option which is located below the search box. From the limiters in the Refine Search box you can select Full Text and Scholarly Journals.

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