Medical Emergencies
- Dial 9-911 and Ext. 557-5000. Give 9-911 and Campus Safety your exact location, The Library's address is: 1028 Bruin Blvd. Bellevue, NE 68005 and telephone number where you can be reached.
- Briefly describe the medical condition of the victim and, if possible, obtain the victim's name.
- Return to the injured party. (Do not move a seriously injured person unless it is a lifesaving situation.)
- If possible have someone meet Campus Safety or emergency medical personnel at lot or building entrance.
First Aid
- Medical assistance is available for minor injuries; call Ext. 557-5000.
- If you require transportation or need first aid treatment at the scene, dial 9-911 and contact Campus Safety at Ext. 557-5000.
- Inform your supervisor of your injury. (Supervisors and/or Safety Officers must complete an Injury Report for all work-related injuries.)
First Aid Kits- Two (2) Locations: One in the cupboard at Reference Desk and the second one is in the bottom drawer of the file cabinet next to the copier in the north offices.