Document Title: Earbuds Procedure
Applies to: All Students, Faculty, Staff, Alumni, and Community Users
To provide persons who use earbuds obtained from the Library with the expected standards of conduct.
Considerations and Criteria:
- The Library has acquired earbuds that the following persons may receive without any cost to them:
- Bellevue University faculty and staff
- Currently registered students of Bellevue University
- Bellevue University alumni
- Community users (members of the community who have paid for a Community User card)
- Members of the public who are unaffiliated with the University may purchase earbuds for $1.00 each.
- Supplies of earbuds are limited. There is no guarantee that they will be available at any given time or on any given date. Earbuds cannot be reserved, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- No more than one pair of earbuds will be given to the same person within a one month period.
- Once a patron receives a pair of earbuds they assume ownership of and responsibility for them. The Library will not replace stolen, lost, or damaged earbuds until one month has passed.
- Library staff members have the right to refuse a request for earbuds if they feel a patron is abusing this service.
- This service has not replaced the headphones that can be checked out from the circulation desk, and those are still available upon request.
- When used in the Library, users should still set the source’s volume to low levels, as even earbuds do not prevent sound leakage. Patrons deemed disruptive to the Library’s atmosphere due to listening at loud volumes will be asked to turn the volume down, and may even be asked to leave the Library.
Questions about this service not covered in this procedure should be brought to the attention of the Senior Director, Library Services
Keywords: earbuds, library, headphones
Responsible Office: Library
Contact Information: Library, 402-557-7314
Approved by: Robin Bernstein
Senior Director, Library Services
Effective Date: June 15, 2018
Review Cycle and Dates: This procedure document supersedes previous versions dated March 23, 2018 and April 24, 2017.
Robin Bernstein, Sr. Director, Library Services June 15, 2018