Films on Demand
A Bellevue University Library Guide
What is Films on Demand?
Films on Demand provides immediate access to over 6000 streaming videos from Films for the Humanities & Sciences, Cambridge Educational, NBC News, ABC News, PBS, BBC, Meridian, and others.
How to access Films on Demand
Mouse over Find on the library homepage and click on Databases. Now click on the letter F under "Browse by title" then on Films on Demand If off-campus, you will be prompted for your BRUIN Connect login. Once you are logged into one database, you are logged into all of them, until you close your browser.
Browsing by Collection
- The homepage is divided into twenty-four general subject categories or collections. Six of the hundreds of films available for each collection are displayed, many of which are designated as "Recently added."
- To see all the videos in that collection, click on View all Titles.
- The results list is sorted from newest to oldest, but may be resorted into an A-Z list.
- There is a brief description next to each video and a link to View Segments in this Video. Click on this to display segment titles and to link directly to a segment.
- If the video belongs to a Series, this is noted as well. Click on the link to see other videos in this series.
- To the left of the "View all Titles" list of videos are subcategories for that collection. Click on a subcategory to see only the videos that fit into that category. They are sorted as above and provide the same type of information.
- Click on the Play button to view any video, or click on the title of the video for more detailed information about it, including the source, a description of each segment, and the length of the video and of each segment.
- You may also click on Collections in the navigation bar across the top of the page to choose a subject area, then proceed as above..
Browsing by Producer
- Click on Featured Producers in the bar at the top of the page.
- A graphic showing all the sources of the videos, such as PBS, Films for the Humanities, etc., will be displayed
- When you click on one of these, all the videos from that source will be displayed sorted from newest to oldest, though they may be re-sorted into an A-Z list.
- Videos from this source can also be grouped by subject area by clicking on the subjects to the left of the list of videos.
Searching for Videos
- Basic Search
- Use the box at the top of the page to type in a search term. It will search for all video segments related to your search term, but you may change the option below the search box to search by title, which will find entire videos related to your search term.
- To the left of the list of videos in the results list, is a list of the subject collections. You may click on one of the collections to narrow your results down to those videos that are related to that subject area.
- Advanced Search
- Click on the advanced search link next to the basic search box to focus your search.
- Type in your search terms, then choose from the menus and options below. These include selecting subject areas, limiting by a specific producer, date, or films with closed captions. You may use as many of these options as you desire.
Viewing a video
After you have selected a video using any of the methods above, click on it. The page that comes up provides the following information and options:
- The title, description, the playing time, and the categories under which is indexed.
- Use the tabs to the right of the video to see a description of all the segments including the playing time, the full title and description, and a list of related videos.
- Under the video are options to email the link, add it to your playlist or favorites or imbed the video. Embedded and linked videos may only be viewed when authenticated into the library databases and may not be posted to public sites.
- Click the "play" button to view the video.
Other Features
- Playlists and Favorites. Add a video to your Playlist or Favorites by clicking on this option right under the video..You must first create a Films on Demand account by clicking on Playlist in the navigation bar at the top of the page.
- Click on the Help link at the top of the page or on FAQs at the bottom of the page for tips, quick start guides, and tutorials on using Films on Demand.
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