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Library Database Information: First Research

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First Research

First Research

A Bellevue University Library Guide

What is First Research?
First Research  provides full-text access to extensive market analysis on 1000+ top industry segments. Each report consists of key statistics and analysis on market and competitive landscape characteristics, operating conditions, business challenges, industry trends, current and historical industry growth, and more. In addition, students can access sales call preparation questions and industry forecasts.

How to access First Research
Mouse over Find on the library homepage then click on Databases. Now click on the letter F under "Browse by title." If off campus, you will be prompted for your BRUIN Connect login. Once you are logged into one database, you are logged into all of them until you close your browser.

The Homepage

  • The homepage search for industry and geographic profiles.
  • Find the most recent industry updated on the right under Most Recent Updates. Move the arrow up and down to select and industry and click on the one you want.
  • On the right side of the page is a Featured Video and beneath this Featured News from a few selected news sources.
  • Find North America Regional Information.
  • Sales & Marketing template for customize communications.
  • Industry Prospector allows you to rank industries by metrics.
  • International Global Content - search by keyword, NAICS (North American Industry Classification), or SIC (Standard Industry Classification) to locate Industry Profiles or Canadian Industry Profiles.


  • Search for Industry Profile: Enter in a keyword or industry code in the search box that appears at the top of the page by the "GO" or in the middle of the page. Keyword search method is recommended if you are unfamiliar with industry codes.  You can click on Browse Industry Profiles to view by industry sector categories or alphabetical order.  
  • North American Regional Info - for information on state & province profiles Click on a state and you will get information on the big picture which includes: state job growth, state unemployment, personal income, tax revenue, and exports. Recent news is included, employment data, local real estate summary, and website resources. Click on "All States" on the left takes you back to the big map to select another state.
  • International Industry Information - click on the international link at the top of the home page. Then type in the name of the industry or keyword to search, or click on Browse for Global Content to view Profiles with international content by industry or sector categories.  
  • Canadian Profiles - Click on the International link to see a list of more than 30 Canadian Industry Focus Profiles covering more than 200 industry segments and 10 Province Profiles. You can also access Profiles of 10 Canadian Provinces by clicking on the North American link on the home page.

Industry Prospector - Click on the Industry Prospector link at the top of the page or the link at the bottom of the page under First Research Products.  Industry Prospector gives you the power to select and rank industries based on 34 financial metrics, 2 human resources metrics, 7 industry drivers, forecasted growth, and international trade growth and dollars. Use the search metrics to focus your efforts on the healthiest or fastest growing industries or find out which industries are struggling. You can only choose one metric at a time.

Sales & Marketing Templates - select among the following to customize to your specific purpose:

  • Quarterly Industry Update Template - Customer or Prospect Email
  • Monthly News Template - Customer or Prospect Email
  • Business Challenges Template - Prospect Letter
  • Critical Issues Template - Marketing Proposal
  • Industry Opportunities Template - Prospect Voicemail
  • Executive Insight Template - Prospect Email
  • Executive Insight Questions Template - Prospect Email
  • Call Prep Questions Template - Prospect or Customer
  • Quarterly Industry Alert Template - Customer Email
  • Key Business Challenges Template - Prospect Letter
  • Business Opportunities Template - Prospect Voicemail

Call Prep Sheet - Links can be found on every profile on the upper right hand side or in  the blue Tools box.  It is a one-page executive summary that highlights vital data points to allow you to quickly demonstrate knowledge, build rapport, and refine your message.

Industry Growth Rating - Graphic indicates the growth of industry revenue, value, or other drivers such as consumer spending (depending on INFORUM indicator), relative to other US industries covered by First Research. The bullet sentences outline a few of the basic demand and risk factors influencing the industry. 

  • High = top quartile of industries ranked by growth.
  • Medium = middle 50 percent of industries ranked by growth.
  • Low = lowest quartile of industries ranked by growth.

Industry Forecast - The numbers represent revenue growth of US establishments as a result of increase in physical volume and unit prices. Click on Forecast FAQs for further explanation of Industry Forecast information.

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