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Library Database Information: Gartner

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A Bellevue University Library Guide

What is Gartner?
Gartner is 
a research database that focuses on information technology and its relation to business management.

How to access Gartner
Mouse over Find on the library homepage then click on Databases. Now click on the letter G under "Browse by title" then on GartnerIf off-campus, you will be prompted for your BRUIN Connect login. Once you are logged into one database, you are logged into all of them until you close your browser.

The Homepage contains:

  • A Basic Search box at the top with a link below it to the Advances Search. Both the basic and advanced search offer a variety of filters to focus your results.
  • A newsfeed in the main area with selected articles on various technology topics.As you use Gartner, the newsfeed will be customized to your research activity.
  • Quick Links in the left the main way to navigate Gartner. The hamburger menu at the top left area of the page contains the same choices.

How to search in Gartner.

Basic Search is the quickest way to find a specific article. Paste the title of the article, enclosed in quotation marks, into the search box..

  • Alternately, you can begin your search for articles on a particular topic by entering a search term into the box, for example, "cybersecurity." 
  • A general term like this will bring up hundreds of results, but the "Best Match" will be on top, followed by the most relevant.
  • As you scroll down the page, you will see other options, such as images related to your search term or suggestions for other related search terms.
  • A variety of filters will appear to the left of your results list allowing you to narrow down the list. These include initiatives, content type, research type, industry, topic area, and more.

Advanced Search allows you to apply these filters first, to bring up more relevant results.

  • Enter your search terms then select from the various options, including the part of the document where search terms appear, date range, content type, initiatives, and more. Use as many or as few of the filters as you need. 
  • When your results list comes up, many of those filters will appear in the left column, giving you another opportunity to further focus your search.

The Results List

  • Articles in the results list are sorted by relevancy but can be sorted by date (descending) if you prefer.
  • A short summary of each article is provided in the results list.
  • In the left column, there are a variety of filters like the ones found on the advanced search form. Apply whatever you need.
  • Select an article and click on it to display the full article.
  • Actions to the left of the open article allow you to save it to a folder, share the link, download, or print.
  • In the right column, the author or authors are listed; click on an author for information on their background as well as links to other articles written by this author.  Below that, there are articles recommended by the author, as well as other relevant articles on the subject.

Using the Quick Links. The quick links in the left column of the homepage include:

  • Resource Centers - These are the items listed at the very top of the Quick LInks with an image beside it. Here, research and tools are gathered together and updated with new documents as they become available. Currently, only two are listed; one of them is a Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource Center.
  • Initiatives - large-scale strategic efforts that have been undertaken by others that align with your own interests.
  • Magic Quadrants & Critical Capabilities - an interactive view of markets and offerings. Click on this for more details and a 3:30 min video on the process.
  • Hype Circles - a Gartner methodology that provides a view of how a technology or application will evolve over time, Click on this for details for using and interpreting hype circles.
  • Special Reports - provide insights into major business and technology trends
  • Complementary Research - a variety of articles categorized as Weekly Picks, Industry Picks, as well as a selected topic.that are available for a short period of time, from a week to a month. As they expire, they are replaced with new ones.
  • Latest Research - recent resources by Gartner analysts. They can be focused using filters in the left column, among them are Industry, Topic Area, Content Type, Region, and a few others.
  • Research Library - browse by the topics on the left.
  • Webinars - a list of upcoming webinars. Click on one for a description; click on "Attend" if interested.

Other Features

  • My Library - your saved documents, located on the top right side of every page.
    Click on "Save" to the left of an open document or right below the description in the results list. You may create folders for your documents or you may leave them as unfiled. 
  • My Tracks -  tracks initiatives related to your interests, located on the top right side of every page.
    • Set up an initiative to track by clicking on "Initiatives" in the left column under "Quick Links."
    • Select one, read about it, and if it fits your needs, scroll down and click on "Start this Initiative.". Now select the topics within this initiative that are of interest to you.
    • Gartner will add useful resources related to this your tracks.
  • My Activity - displays all of your activity, including reading history, homepage just above the "Quick Links."

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