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Academic Assessment Committee: Program Outcomes

Program Outcomes

PROGRAM OUTCOMES: Purposeful Program Outcomes describe the knowledge, skills, or dispositions graduates your program will exhibit upon completion of your program. Remember these outcomes should apply to multiple courses in the program.

Program outcomes have the following attributes:

  •  Student-centered
  •  Demonstrable/measurable
  •  Industry relevant

At Bellevue University, we promise “real learning for real life” for our students. As you consider outcomes with Program faculty, think of assessing learning in those concepts’ students must know and do to become successful in a particular field of study, on the job and/or in the community. Ask yourselves: What do you see your graduates doing in the “real world”?

Best Practice Examples

Here are some Program Outcome Examples to spark your thinking:

  •  Interpret financial statements and concepts to improve business performance.
  •  Evaluate sport organizations from a legal and risk management perspective.
  •  Apply analytical models and information technology concepts necessary for managing the supply chains in a global environment.
  •  Analyze data and make valid conclusions from the data.
  •  Evaluate the validity and limitations of theories and scientific claims.
  •  Communicate in a variety of professional and media contexts including report analysis.
  •  Promote the principles of professional nursing practice by synthesizing theories and concepts based on social, physical and life sciences including humanities and liberal arts education.
  • Integrate ethical principles and standards into personal and professional activities.

To see Bloom's and Marzano's Taxonomies verbs to use in outcomes, click below.