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Academic Assessment Committee: Terms

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Program Annual Assessment Report.

Assessment Plan

The plan parts of the PAAR including program student learning outcomes, direct and indirect assessment measures used to demonstrate attainment of each outcome, an indication of which outcome(s) is/are addressed by each measure, intervals at which evidence is collected and reviewed, targets for the measures, and individual(s) responsible for the collection/review of evidence.

Program Description

Please see separate section under Starting a Program in this LibGuide.

Program Outcomes

Please see separate section under Starting a Program in this LibGuide.

Measures and Targets

Please see separate section under Starting a Program in this LibGuide.

Assessment Results or Findings

Submitted at the end of the academic year in the PAAR, this would be a comparison of actual vs. expected (on targets) achievement levels on the measures. A program director would write a substantial interpretation of results that can be easily followed by readers, including on sample sizes and actual numbers of artifacts scored as meeting targets (e.g. 17/20 = 85%). A new program may not have measurable data for up to several years on some measures (typically DMs), e.g. on a capstone experience.


Action Plans

Activity sequence designed to help program better accomplish intended outcomes/objectives. In the PAAR, a program director would write a clear description on how the program will change. Typical changes may be related to proposed improvements in instruction or course content, alterations of measures and targets, curricular changes, and staff changes.




Process to answer the question:  “are our efforts bringing forth the desired results?”


Assessment of Student Learning

Process to answer the question:  “what learning occurred during the span of a course or program?” An on-going process of measuring (using direct and indirect measures) the extent to which students are learning specific knowledge, skills, and habits of mind as stated in program student learning outcomes. The results are then used to substantiate curricular and pedagogical changes needed to enhance student learning.


Formative Assessment

Assessment occurring during the process of a unit, service, course, degree, certificate, or institutional experience. Provides feedback to instructor/staff member and student as to how learning activities and outcomes might be improved.


Summative Assessment

An assessment done at the end of a unit, service, course, degree, certificate, or institutional experience to determine the degree of success or to what extent the program/project/course met its goals.


Levels of Instruction

Introduced, reinforced, mastered.


Indicates concepts or content presented within a program for the first time.



Indicates students are afforded opportunities to practice and learn the concepts or content.



Students have had sufficient practice and that a particular course assignment can be used as an outcome assessment point.