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Academic Assessment Committee: Staging Scores

Rubric 1

Description: This rubric will be used by the Academic Assessment Committee in the years in which your program is being assessed.  This is the final rubric, only, and will only contain the final ratings AFTER the committee meets with the program director. 

Levels of Achievement


 Criteria Unable to Rate Partially Meets Meets Best Practice
Program Learning Outcomes Required content not submitted; Content varies significantly from AAC's guidelines; Ratings are not needed (e.g. program near sunset); Reviewer would likely use one or more drop-down improvement items on review rubric.  Required items exist for area; Reviewer answered "no" for two (2) or more items on associated checklist. Required items exist for area; Reviewer answered "no" for no more than one (1) item on associated checklist All questions addressed in an exemplary fashion: Do the program outcomes flow from the program description? Do the outcomes represent program-level learning? Click for more options Are the outcomes clearly worded? Do the outcomes avoid multiple verbs or “verbalized” nouns? Are the outcomes measurable in the context of the classroom/program requirements, avoiding words such as "effectively" and "appropriately"? Do the action words reflect a level of learning commensurate with program-level? Is the number of program outcomes reasonable/realistic?

Measures and Targets

Required content not submitted; Content varies significantly from AAC’s guidelines; Ratings are not needed (e.g. program near sunset); Reviewer would likely use one or more dropdown improvement items on review rubric).  Required items exist for area; Reviewer answered "no" for two (2) or more items on associated checklist. Required items exist for area; Reviewer answered "no" for no more than one (1) item on associated checklist. All questions addressed in an exemplary fashion: Are at least two direct measures identified? Is at least one direct measure an applied measure of learning? Is at least one indirect measure identified for the entire program or for at least one PSLO? For each measure, is it clear what the students will do to demonstrate what was learned? Does each outcome have at least one associated measure? Is each a measure of the program, not a course? Does each measure have an associated target? Are targets clearly defined and measurable (i.e. not grades unless it is shown that the grade reflects the targeted outcome)? Is each target reasonable and achievable?
Results and Interpretation Required content not submitted; Content varies significantly from AAC’s guidelines; Ratings are not needed (e.g. program near sunset); Reviewer would likely use one or more dropdown improvement items on review rubric Required items exist for area; Reviewer answered "no" for two (2) or more items on associated checklist Required items exist for area; Reviewer answered "no" for no more than one (1) item on associated checklist All questions addressed in an exemplary fashion: Are results are reported for ALL measures? If not, is an explanation given for why not? Do the results represent student learning? Is the sample size representative of the program? Does the interpretation of results align with the measure, target, and PSLOs?
Action Plans Required content not submitted; Content varies significantly from AAC’s guidelines; Ratings are not needed (e.g. program near sunset); Reviewer would likely use one or more dropdown improvement items on review rubric. Required items exist for area; Reviewer answered "no" for two (2) or more items on associated checklist. Required items exist for area; Reviewer answered "no" for no more than one (1) item on associated checklist. All questions addressed in an exemplary fashion: Is at least one action plan for improvement presented? Does the plan address a met or unmet target? Does the plan detail who, what, when, and how?