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American History Maps: War of Independence

This LibGuides contains various types of maps representing different periods in American History.

War of Independence Era

The War of Independence, or Revolutionary War, began on April 19, 1775 with the battles of Lexington and Concord. A peace treaty, the Treaty of Paris, was signed in 1783 formally  ending the war

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War of Independence Maps

The Colonies and the Revolutionary War
A map of the Thirteen Colonies during the American Revolution. The map shows the territorial claims west of the Allegheny Mountains, and includes inset maps detailing the vicinity of Philadelphia, the vicinity of Boston, and the vicinity of New York. The map also shows the general areas of the Native Americans.

Source:  A. S. Barnes, A Brief History of the United States (New York, NY: American Book Company, 1885)  Map Credit: Courtesy the private collection of Roy Winkelman. Available in Maps ETC


Population Density of the 13 American Colonies In 1775
Though the map maker does not specify, likely only white colonists are included in population figures, thus excluding slaves and Native North Americans.

Source:: Map courtesy of U.S. Military Academy. available from Brilliant Maps: Making Sense of The World, One Map at a Time

Cantonment of His Majesty's forces in N. America according to the disposition now made & to be compleated as soon as practicable taken from the general distribution dated at New York 29th. March 1766.(created 1767)

Source:Paterson, D. (1767) Cantonment of His Majesty's forces in N. America according to the disposition now made & to be compleated as soon as practicable taken from the general distribution dated at New York 29th. .Available from Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, LOC Digital Map Collection

The Revolutionary War Animated Map, April 19, 1775 - September 3, 1783
See the Revolutionary War unfold, from Lexington to Yorktown and beyond.
Click on map to access animation

Source: America Battlefield Trust


Battle of Concord - Created 1775
A plan of the town and harbour of Boston and the country adjacent with the road from Boston to Concord, shewing the place of the late engagement between the King's troops & the provincials, together with the several encampments of both armies in & about Boston. Taken from an actual survey.

Source: De Costa, J. & Hall, C. (1775). Available from Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, LOC Digital Map Collection