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Supply Chain & Logistics Management - Undergraduate: SCLM 466 - Supply Chain Management Financial, Economics, Capital, Cash, and Legal Considerations

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SCLM 466 Weekly Resources

Supply Chain Word Cloud

Week 1 Assignments

Assigned Reading and Research:

Alizadeh, A.H., & Talley, W.K. (2011). Microeconomic determinants of dry bulk shipping freight rates and contract times. Transportation38(3), 561-579. doi: 10.1007/s11116- 010-9308-7 

D'Amico, E. (2006). Freight rates move on upChemical Week168(3), 19-20. 

Ivanov, D. (2010). An adaptive framework for aligning (re)planning decisions on supply chain strategy, design, tactics, and operations. International Journal of Production Research48(13), 3999-4017. doi: 10.1080/00207540902893417  

Wagner, S., & Bode, C. (2008). An empirical examination of supply chain performance along several dimensions of risk. Journal of Business Logistics29(1), 307-XII. 

Optional/Supplementary Reading

Kildow, B.A. (2011). A supply chain management guide to business continuity. Amacom.  Chapters 1-5. 

Week 2 Assignments

Assigned Reading and Research:

Zhang, L., Wang, S., Li, F., Wang, H., Wang, L., & Tan, W. (2011). A few measures for ensuring supply chain quality. International Journal of Production Research49(1), 87-97. doi: 10.1080/00207543.2010.508965 

Optional/Supplementary Reading

Thompson, J. (2009). Cost control techniques. Global Media. Chapters 1-5. eBooks on EBSCOHost.

Week 3 Assignments

Assigned Reading and Research:

Jayaram, J., Tan, K., & Nachiappan, S.P. (2010). Examining the interrelationships between supply chain integration scope and supply chain management efforts. International Journal of Production Research48(22), 6837-6857.doi: 10.1080/00207540903358329 

Prince, T. (2006) Foreign policy and logistics. Journal of Commerce

Optional/Supplementary Reading

Kildow, B.A. (2011). A supply chain management guide to business continuity. Amacom. Chapters 6-10. eBooks on EBSCOhost.

Assigned Reading and Research:

Craighead, C.W., Hanna, J.B., Gibson, B.J., & Meredith, J.R. (2007). Research approaches in logistics: Trends and alternative future directions. International Journal of Logistics Management18(1), 22-40. doi: 10.1108/09574090710748153 

Thuermer, K.E. (2006). Options abound as integration of the global supply chain becomes a top priority. World Trade19(6), 17-18, 20, 22. 

Optional/Supplementary Reading

Thompson, J. (2009). Cost control techniques. Global Media. Chapters 6-12. eBooks on EBSCOHost.

Week 4 Assignments

Assigned Readings:

Optional/Supplementary Reading:


Week 5 Assignments

Assigned Reading and Research:

Amaeshi, K.M., Osuji, O.K., & Nnodim, P. (2008). Corporate social responsibility in supply chains of global brands: A boundaryless responsibility? Clarifications, exceptions and implications. Journal of Business Ethics81(1), 223-234. doi: 10.1007/s10551-007- 9490-5 

Optional/Supplementary Reading

Thompson, J. (2009). Cost control techniques. Global Media.  Chapters 13-16. 

Week 6 Assignments

Assigned Reading and Research: None

Optional/Supplementary Reading None

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Lorraine Patrick
Bellevue University
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