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Supply Chain & Logistics Management - Undergraduate: SCLM 446 - Global Logistics and Transportation

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Weekly Resources

Supply Chain Word Cloud

Week 1 Assignments

Assigned Reading and Research:

  • Mayorga, M. E., & Mrozik, D. C. (2008). Developing a qualification process for transportation logistics providers. IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 427-432. u/docview/192465293?accountid=28125
  • Regan, A. C., & Golob, T. F. (2005). Trucking industry demand for urban shared use freight terminals. Transportation32(1), 23-36. e&db=edssch&AN=edssch.qt0v33g422&site=eds-live
  • Ahoy, C. K. Chapters 1-4. Customer-driven operations: Aligning quality tools and business processes for customer excellence. ISBN: 9780071608312, eBooks

Assigned Video

Week 2 Assignments

Assigned Reading and Research:

    • Ahoy, C. K. Chapters 5-8. Customer-driven operations: Aligning quality tools and business processes for customer excellence. ISBN: 9780071608312.

Week 3 Assignments

Assigned Reading and Research:

  • Cho, J. J., Ozment, J., & Sink, H. (2008). Logistics capability, logistics outsourcing and firm performance in an e-commerce market. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 38(5), 336-359. DOI 10.1108/09600030810882825 ue&db=edsemr&AN=edsemr.10.1108.09600030810882825&site=eds-live
  • Klie, L. (2011). Marketing dollars move to interactive. CRM Magazine, 15(11), 14. ue&db=edsbig&AN=edsbig.A272079072&site=eds-live
  • Rungtusanatham, M., Salvador, F., Forza, C., & Choi, T. Y. (2003). Supply-chain linkages and operational performance: A resource-based-view perspective. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 23(9), 1084-1099. 10?accountid=28125
  • Hillman, M. (2006). Risk and reward are found in logistics, transportation, and global trade. Manufacturing Business Technology, 24(12), 31-32. 9477?accountid=28125
  • Ahoy, C. K. Chapters 9-12. Customer-driven operations: Aligning quality tools and business processes for customer excellence. ISBN: 9780071608312.

Week 4 Assignments

Assigned Reading and Research:

  • Gilbert, R., & Perl. A. (2010). Chapters 1-3. Transport revolutions: Moving people and freight without oil. ISBN: 9781550924534. Ebrary ebooks/detail.action?docID=515434

  • Creazza, A., Dallari, F., & Melacini, M. (2010). Evaluating logistics network configurations for a global supply chain. Supply Chain Management, 15(2), 154-164. DOI 10.1108/13598541011028750


Week 5 Assignments

Assigned Reading and Research:

  • Gilbert, R. (2010). Chapters 4-6. Transport revolutions: Moving people and freight without oil. ISBN: 9781550924534. Ebrary. e-ebooks/detail.action?docID=515434
  • Tokar, T. (2010). Behavioral research in logistics and supply chain management. International Journal of Logistics Management, 21(1), 89-103. 559?accountid=28125
  • (1998). CSX transportation reports lowest freight damage rate ever. PR Newswire, 1 8


  • Aswathappa, K., & Bhat, S. (2010). Chapter 16. Production and operations management. Himalaya Pub. House.


Week 6 Assignments

Assigned Reading and Research:

  • Glatzel, C., Grosspietsch, J., & Silga, I. (2011). Is your top team undermining your supply chain? McKinsey Quarterly, (1), 72-77. db=bth&AN=58572595&site=ehost-live

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Lorraine Patrick
Bellevue University
Freeman/Lozier Library
1000 Galvin Rd. S.