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Bellevue University Peer Tutors

Peer Tutored Courses

(Updated 5/31/24)

If your course is not listed below, please fill out a Tutor Request Form to have one provided for you. First-time users, please view the illustrated directions on how to schedule an appointment.


Available Courses

1 – Blackboard/Cyberactive Assistance

1 - Navigating Microsoft Office 365


  • AC 205 Financial Accounting
  • AC 206 Managerial Accounting
  • AC 311 Intermediate Accounting I
  • AC 312 Intermediate Accounting II
  • AC 321 Cost Accounting


  • BA 101 Intro to Business
  • BA 102 Financial and Data Skills for Managers
  • BA 110 Personal Finance
  • BA 230 Intro to Entrepreneurship
  • BA 252 Principles of Marketing


  • BAMC 430 Project Mgmt


  • BAN 303 SQL for Analytics
  • BAN 520 Enterprise Data and Info Mgmt


  • BI 100 Intro to Biological Systems
  • BI 201 Anatomy and Physiology I
  • BI 202 Anatomy and Physiology II
  • BI 206 Nutrition through the Lifespan
  • BI 309 Microbiology


  • BSIT 433 Info Technology Project Mgmt


  • CA 107 Public Speaking in the Digital
  • CA 109 Oral Communication Skills
  • CA 351 Communication in the Digital Age


  • CH 115 General Chemistry I
  • CH 116 General Chemistry II


  • CIS 108 Intro to Power BI
  • CIS 111 Computer Fundamentals
  • CIS 115 Info Privacy and Security
  • CIS 121 Microsoft Office 365
  • CIS 122 Emerging Tech
  • CIS 133 Intro to Project Mgmt
  • CIS 160 Intro to Integrated Tech and The Internet of Things
  • CIS 162 Building Internet of Things System
  • CIS 164 Creating Solutions with Integrated Tech
  • CIS 202 Microsoft Word Essentials
  • CIS 203 Microsoft Excel Essentials
  • CIS 204 Microsoft PowerPoint Essentials
  • CIS 209 Foundations of Info Systems
  • CIS 212 Communicating in a Digital World
  • CIS 245 Intro to Programming
  • CIS 305 Mgmt and Design of Database Systems
  • CIS 309 Data and Info Mgmt
  • CIS 310 Info Systems 

Available courses

CIS (con't)

  • CIS 311 Network Security
  • CIS 312 Securing Access Control
  • CIS 321 Structured System Analysis and Design
  • CIS 338 Linux 1
  • CIS 339 Linux 2
  • CIS 340A Business Telecommunications
  • CIS 344 IT Infrastructure
  • CIS 348B Implementing and Managing Network Infrastructures
  • CIS 349B Implementing and Maintaining Active Directory Structures
  • CIS 353 Intermediate C# Programming
  • CIS 411 Assessments and Audits
  • CIS 433 Info Technology Project Mgmt
  • CIS 436 Ethics for IT Professionals
  • CIS 456 Service Component
  • CIS 458 IS Mgmt and Strategy
  • CIS 505 Intermediate Java Programming
  • CIS 515 IT Infrastructure
  • CIS 519 IT Strategy and Policy
  • CIS 521 Systems Devpmt and Deployment
  • CIS 530 Server-Side Development
  • CIS 535 Mgmt and Design of Database Systems 
  • CIS 537 Intro to Cyber Ethics
  • CIS 605 Advance Database Mgmt
  • CIS 608 Info Security Mgmt
  • CIS 610 Info Warfare
  • CIS 611 Cloud Computing
  • CIS 613 Software Development
  • CIS 614 Storage Systems
  • CIS 623 Software Testing and Quality
  • CIS 626 Ent Architecture Design and De
  • CIS 627 Integrating Tech with Business Strategies
  • CIS 633 Info Technology Project Mgmt
  • CIS 644 Managing Project Risks


  • CJUS 210 Crime and Justice in America


  • CS 410 Algorithm Design and Analysis
  • CS 430 Software Engineering


  • CSD 200 Foundation of Software Development
  • CSD 310 Database Development and Use
  • CSD 320 Programming with Java
  • CSD 340 Web Development with HTML and CSS
  • CSD 405 Intermediate Java Programming
  • CSD 420 Advanced Java Programming


  • CYBR 250 Intro to Cyber Threats Tech and Security
  • CYBR 309 Database Security
  • CYBR 320 Operational Security
  • CYBR 340 Operating Systems & Mobile Dev
  • CYBR 350 Web Application Security
  • CYBR 410 Data/Database Security
  • CYBR 420 Cyber Investigations & Forensics
  • CYBR 430 Penetration Testing
  • CYBR 520 Human Aspects of Cybersecurity
  • CYBR 525 Ethical Hacking and Response

Available Courses


  • DSC 101 Intro to Data Science
  • DSC 500 Intro to Data Science
  • DSC 510 Intro to Programming
  • DSC 550 Data Mining


  • EDUC 202 Practice of Foundation of Education
  • EDUC 210 Intro to Teaching
  • EDUC 230 Human Relations
  • EDUC 261 Principles of the Exceptional
  • EDUC 262 Prin of the Except Learner


  • EN 100 Intro to English
  • EN 101 Composition I
  • EN 316 American Literature, Human Rig


  • HHS 315 Normal Aging and Disease Chang


  • HI 151 American History to 1877


  • LA 105 Success in Higher Education


  • MA 100 Intro to Algebra
  • MA 101 Intermediate Algebra
  • MA 102 College Algebra
  • MA 104 Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry
  • MA 135 Math in Everyday Life
  • MA 205 Calculus I
  • MA 215 Applied Statistics


  • MBA 520 Financial Reporting and Analysis
  • MBA 641 Accounting for Performance Mgmt


  • PC 115 General Physics I


  • PHE 210 Understanding Health Research


  • PS 152 Votes and Notes: Popular Music
  • PS 210 Ethical Controversies in Security


  • PY 101 Intro to Psychology
  • PY 211 Human Development
  • PY 311 Abnormal Psychology
  • PY 371 Biological Psychology


  • SO 101 Intro to Sociology


  • WEB 200 Fundamentals of Web Development​​​​​​​