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Library Anxiety: Evaluation

Library anxiety is a real phenomenon that can hurt your ability to complete your coursework and do library research. This guide talks about what library anxiety is and some ways to overcome it.


6.1 Judge your product (how effective were you)

Before turning in your assignment, compare it to the requirements that your teacher gave you.

  • Did you do everything and include all that was required for the assignment?
  • Did you give credit to all of your sources, written in the way your teacher requested?
  • Is your work legible?
  • Is your work complete and does it include heading information (name, date, etc.)
  • Would you be proud for anyone to view this work?

6.2 Jude your information problem-solving process (how efficient were you)

Think about the actions that you perform as you are working on this assignment. Did you learn some things that you can use again?

  • What did you learn that you can use again?
  • How will you use the skill(s) again?
  • What did you do well this time?
  • What would you do differently next time?
  • What information sources did you find useful? You may be able to use them again.
  • What information sources did you need but did not have? Be sure to talk to your librarian about getting them.

The “Big6™” is copyright © (1987) Michael B. Eisenberg and Robert E. Berkowitz. For more information, visit:


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