Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) offers over 200 free resources related to writing, including in-depth citation guides.
General Writing
Covers the writing process for general, academic, and assignment writing, and includes writing mechanics, punctuation, and grammar.
Research and Citation
The basics of conducting research. The most popular features of the Purdue OWL are the style guides for APA, MLA, and Chicago.
Teacher and Tutor Resources
Though geared toward the teaching of writing, there are many useful handouts for students, including those addressing plagiarism.
Subject Specific Writing
This area provides resources on technical writing, writing in literature, social sciences, and engineering, as well as medical writing, journalistic writing, and creative writing.
Other sections include Job Search Writing and ESL Resources. Consult the Site Map for a complete look at OWL
Excerpted from Carol Collier Kuhlthau's Information Search Process.
created by Carol Kuhlthau Information Search Process