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Mini Animals Craft

Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2025

(moved from Thursday, January 9)

Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST (Central Standard Time, US & Canada)

Campus: Bellevue University Freeman/Lozier Library, Main Area

Information: HERE


Stop in the Library and create some miniature animals! Supplies will be provided.

Cricut Mug Press Craft

Date: Thursday, January 30, 2025

Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST (Central Standard Time, US & Canada)

Campus: Bellevue University Freeman/Lozier Library, Main Area

Information: HERE


Stop in the Library and use our Cricut Mug Press to create a personalized mug! Supplies and designs will be provided. Limit 1 per person while available.

Online Library Instruction

Date: Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Time: 1:00pm - 2:00pm CST (Central Standard Time, US & Canada)

Online: Register HERE

This is an online meeting. Registration is required.


Want to know more about how to navigate the library website and utilize its resources and tools? This instructor-led online library instruction tutorial will walk you through the main functions of the library, and show you how and where to search. This is a great tool for online students who want a more in depth understanding of the library without having to visit the library.

Origami Craft

Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST (Central Standard Time, US & Canada)

Campus: Bellevue University Freeman/Lozier Library, Main Area

Information: HERE


Drop by the Library and learn how to make different, easy origami items! Supplies will be provided. 

Online Library Instruction

Date: Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm CST (Central Standard Time, US & Canada)

Online: Register HERE

This is an online meeting. Registration is required.


Want to know more about how to navigate the library website and utilize its resources and tools? This instructor-led online library instruction tutorial will walk you through the main functions of the library, and show you how and where to search. This is a great tool for online students who want a more in depth understanding of the library without having to visit the library.

Virtual Reference Help


Date: Schedule at least 24 hours in advance

Time: CST (Central Standard Time, US & Canada)

Campus: Remote Session (Zoom meeting)

Online: Make an Appointment

This is an online meeting. Registration is required.


Do you have reference questions or need help using library resources? Book a Zoom room to chat with one of our librarians! They can walk through the problem with you and even share your screen (if you get stuck).

Personal Librarian Program

Previously called the Research Assistance Program (RAP)


Enroll: Information


The Personal Librarian Program pairs you with a BU Librarian to work with one-on-one throughout your academic career and answer questions about the research process.

Welcome to the Bellevue University Sustainability Lab

In 2019, the Nebraska Environmental Trust awarded BU a $200,000 grant to build a sustainability learning lab. Located behind the R. Joe Dennis Learning Center, the 7000 square foot lab will include a greenhouse, an algae pond, a native Nebraska plants garden, and solar generation stations. It will provide students with the opportunity to do hands on research and the community a space to enjoy.  The university will also work with with the Boy Scouts and Green Bellevue as the lab develops.

This LibGuide is a work in progress, as is the Sustainability Learning Lab. Check back often.

Development of the Bellevue University Sustainability Lab Overview

October 4, 2019

”Today we break ground on what we hope will be a truly groundbreaking project, This facility will complement indoor labs at the R. Joe Dennis Learning Center next door.” (Remarks of Dean Mary Dobransky)


Proposed Layout of Sustainability Learning Lab - Design by HDR



7000 plants native to the region, ready to be planted.

Source: Bellevue Leader, Oct. 9, ,2019.

Partially Planted Garden - October 2019


Hillside bursting with Flowers - July 2020

Construction begins the third week of May 2020




Science on Display at the Bellevue University Sustainability Learning Lab


Margie McCandless, originally published in 
Bellevue University Library Facts from the Stacks Blog

BU receives NET grant for sustainability lab

Bellevue Leader, July 15, 2019, Cheyenne Alexis (Staff Writer)


      The outside of the R. Joe Dennis Learning Center will house the new sustainability lab coming to Bellevue University in the next two years.

Bellevue University is constructing a lab that will assist in sustainability learning, while also involving the community.

The Nebraska Environmental Trust awarded BU a $200,000 grant to increase sustainability learning with a lab at the university. The grant will be available to BU over the next three years.

Located behind the R. Joe Dennis Learning Labs on Bruin Boulevard, the 7,000-square foot lab will have many ways for students to research and study.

(Click on title to read complete story)


Nebraska Environmental Trust Awards $200,000 Grant to Independent Colleges Foundation to Support Development of Sustainability Learning Lab at Bellevue University

Omaha, Nebraska – The Council of Independent Nebraska Colleges Foundation (CINCF) announced today that it has received a $200,000 grant from The Nebraska Environmental Trust (NET) to help establish a sustainability learning lab at Bellevue University. The grant funding from NET will be matched by Bellevue University and its partners and donors over the next three years.

According to Dr. Dennis Joslin, Executive Director of CINCF, “The Sustainability Learning Lab has tremendous potential to benefit the State of Nebraska by raising awareness and educating future generations of students and citizens about how to conserve, enhance and restore natural environments.” Dr. Joslin added that the grant and lab project aligns well with CINCF’s mission to provide support for students attending Nebraska’s private colleges and universities.

Bellevue University President Dr. Mary Hawkins said the grant serves as a prime example of a partnership resulting in a unique educational resource. “We are grateful for The Nebraska Environmental Trust’s support of this project and for the CINC Foundation’s advocacy on behalf of the state’s independent higher educational institutions,” she said. “We are confident that real world, applied learning that will take place in the lab will help preserve Nebraska’s valuable natural resources and strengthen the state’s workforce.”

(Click title to read the complete story.

Bellevue University to Create Outdoor Sustainability Lab

Fox 42 News, by Sydnie Holzfaster, Sunday, August 11,  2019

 Students at Bellevue University will soon be researching a new way to expand renewable resources. The Nebraska Environmental Trust (NET) has awarded the university a $300,000 grant to create a sustainability outdoor learning lab.

Sunday Dr. John Kyndt, Associate Professor of Microbiology and Director of Sustainability at Bellevue University, broke down the plan for the construction of the new lab at the monthly Green Bellevue meeting.

Kyndt said the lab allow students to take their experiments out of the classroom and integrate different types of renewable energy.

“Fossil fuels are a finite resource, so we are going to run out of fossil fuels at some point. We’ve got to start building more renewable resources,” Kyndt said. “It’s not going to be one resource that comes out. It’s not going to be algae biofuels that takes over everything, it’s going to be a combination of things.”

The sustainable lab will be constructed in three phases, with each phase taking approximately 12 months to complete. Phase 1 will include the construction of a 1,600 square foot greenhouse with hydroponics and the creation of a native plant garden. Phase 2 includes the installation of solar and wind generation stations, a 1,200 square foot algae pond and web linked weather monitoring system. Phase 3 will include the construction of a 25-seat outdoor amphitheater classroom.

(Click on title to read complete story)


Bellevue University Science Department Readies for Greenhouse Construction  

Bellevue Leader, June 26, 2020, Cheyenne Alexis (Staff Writer)

Bellevue University is showing off its new greenhouse construction in a unique way.
The university was awarded a $200,000, three-year grant by the Nebraska Environmental Trust last summer to expand its sustainability program.

The new outdoor lab is located behind the R. Joe Dennis Learning Labs on Bruin Boulevard.

Though the construction for the greenhouse won’t be completed until November, Tyler Moore, assistant professor of biology at BU, said the science labs created a time-lapse to show how the construction has been going.

“We have a time-lapse camera set on top of the hill watching it,” Moore said. “We take about one photo every 30 minutes, so we’re compressing them down in a course of several months.”

The greenhouse will house different plants from different climate areas, ranging from temperate to tropical.

“It’s going to be our system for supplying specimens for research,” Moore said.

The sustainability lab was made with student research in mind; however, Moore said he hopes it allows for some community outreach as well.

With the greenhouse, Moore hopes to have plant giveaways and allow community members to garden and grow their own plants as well.

(Click on title to read complete story)


Nebraska Environmental Trust Awards $130,000 2nd-Year Grant Funding to Independent Colleges Foundation to Help Complete Sustainability Learning Lab at Bellevue University

Bellevue, September 18,  2020

OMAHA, Nebraska – The Council of Independent Nebraska Colleges Foundation (CINCF) announced today that it has received a $130,000 grant from The Nebraska Environmental Trust (NET) to provide second-year funding in support of a new sustainability learning lab at Bellevue University.

Construction on the Sustainability Learning Lab began in the spring of 2019 and is expected to be completed later in the fall of 2020. The completed project will include a 7,000-square foot outdoor-indoor facility supporting a greenhouse, solar and wind generation stations, a biofuel algae pond and an outdoor classroom.

The lab will support science and environmental sustainability education, research, public awareness and green workforce development. When completed, it is expected to engage and educate more than 2,500 students, educators, researchers and campus visitors a year.

According to Treva Haugaard, Executive Director of CINCF, “The Sustainability Learning Lab has tremendous potential to benefit the State of Nebraska by raising awareness and educating future generations of students and citizens about how to conserve, enhance and restore natural environments.” She added that the lab project exemplifies the active and engaged learning approaches used at private, independent colleges and universities across Nebraska.

Bellevue University President Dr. Mary Hawkins said the university is grateful for the continued support of the Sustainability Learning Lab. “We appreciate the partnership between CINCF, the Nebraska Environmental Trust and Bellevue University in bringing this project to life,” she said. “The continued support of Nebraska Environmental Trust and CINCF will help ensure that students learn the skills needed to help preserve Nebraska’s valuable natural resources and, at the same time, strengthen the state’s workforce.”

The grant funding will be matched by Bellevue University and its partners and donors over the next three years and serves as a prime example of a partnership resulting in a unique educational resource.

The sustainability lab is part of a broader multi-million dollar innovation investment made by Bellevue University and the University’s donors into STEM education facilities, programs and student support resources. The Nebraska Environmental Trust is funded by proceeds from the Nebraska Lottery and has awarded more than $305 million to conservation projects in Nebraska since 1994.

(Click on title to read complete story)

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