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Recurring Reference Questions: Counseling and Breach of Ethics

Each tab contains resources for the question.

Relevant Library Databases

Try the library psychology databases, such as ProQuest One Psychology, PsycARTICLES
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection.

Use the advanced search to combine multiple search terms and mark the "Full Text" and "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals" filters. 

You may also start you search using the search box on the library homepage, Discovery Search, which searches all of the journal databases simultaneously. After you have added your search terms and gotten a list of results, apply the "Full Text" and "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals" filters, found in the left column.,

Discovery Search also has an Advanced Search which lets you set those filters before you search, combine search terms, and set search fields.

LibGuide Curator

Information on Ethics Codes and Violations

Search Tips

Search Terms

"Breach of ethics" typically does not work well as a search term.To locate articles describing unethical behavior in the counseling profession, try search terms such as these:

counselors AND ethics AND violations

ethics violations AND counselors

unethical behavior AND counselors

ethical misconduct AND counselors

Experiment by combining them in different ways or substituting related terms. Also, try using one of the breaches of ethics outlined in "Examples of Breach of Ethics for Counselors" at the top of the middle column. Add it to your search terms, for example:

confidentiality AND counselors AND ethics violations

breach of confidentiality AND counselors