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Faculty Toolkit

Library Services and Resources for Bellevue University Faculty

Library Committee

Library Committee Charter


The Functions of the Library Committee shall be as follows: 

1. To serve as an advisory body to the Senior Director, Library Services and as a liaison among the Faculty Senate, the library, the faculty, and the students concerning the following matters: 

a) allocations to the respective colleges of the funds provided by the general budget to the library for the purchase of books, periodicals, and multi-media;

b) the formulation and maintenance of library policies, rules, and regulations; 

c) the development of a library collection that is in accordance with the academic needs of the students of Bellevue University; 

d) the formulation of plans for future library needs; 

2. To make recommendations to the Faculty Senate and President concerning suggested improvements in the library plan and related equipment. 


The Library Committee shall consist of the Senior Director, Library Services and four full-time faculty members, one elected by each college. The term of office for faculty members shall be determined by the Dean of each College. 

  1. The Senior Director, Library Services serves as Chair of the Committee. The Secretary will rotate among the members of the Committee. 
  2. The majority of the committee must be present to conduct official business. 
  3. Each member of the committee will have one vote. 
  4. Decisions will be determined by a majority of those committee members present and voting. 
  5. A regularly scheduled meeting of the Library Committee will be held at least four times a year, and the time will be announced in advance. Other meetings will be announced and held as needed. 
  6. A copy of the official file of the committee will be submitted to the Faculty Senate at the end of the academic year. 

Current Library Committee Members

Robin Bernstein Senior Director, Library Services, Chair 557-7300 /
Dr. Jerome Lewis Associate Professor, CAS Representative
Dr. Chris Bergeron Associate Professor, COB Representative 207-358-9236 /
Karla Carter Associate Professor, CST Representative 402-557-7550 /