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LDR (Undergraduate Leadership Degree): SAMPLE JOURNAL ENTRIES

The purpose of the guide is to provide students with convenient access to the weekly readings and materials needed to complete each online course in the LDR program.

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Hope you are having a good week.

This week was a bit of a struggle with the assignment as I had to really use my time management skills to get it done! I had a stomach bug and it was rough, but I rallied through to complete it. I am looking forward to relaxing, prepping for a job interview and getting a good night's sleep tonight!

I had to laugh a little bit when reading the "Cognitive Dissonance" definition and realized that is exactly what I am going through and what I am feeling. It is kind of a relief that it actually has a name and that others are going through the same thing.

It was interesting to learn about some new skills that I didn't realize were skills and each week I am getting a little more confident in my ability to complete my assignments. To take the time and really think about how I would rate myself was interesting and when it comes down to it important so that I can learn what I can improve on.

I am practicing as we speak on time management and setting time limits on assignments to help balance out my work, school and home life a bit more and my timer is going off! I am hoping this is what you are wanting to capture from my journal each and any feedback is welcome and would be appreciated!

Thank you.


Once again another week has flown by. Work is still as crazy as it was last week, we continue to try and dig ourselves out of a few really large orders. Over the course of the last two weeks I have worked quite a bit of overtime. The money is good but I really don’t like being this out of schedule. It’s been interesting this week with regard to how management is approaching things, the seemed to be taking a more relaxed approach and making work secondary to activities going on around the office. I am all for camaraderie but under the circumstances it seems forced. I am a firm believer that work comes before play, if we aren’t doing our work how will we sustain business.

Family life is good as usual, it’s always rewarding to come to a place of comfort and see my wife, kids and dogs. School has been going well, I’ve been trying to keep up with all my reading and hopefully when work slows down I won’t feel so rushed. We have learned quite a bit over the last two months and I can already see it applying to my day to day life. Mary is growing like a week and will play her last soccer game on Saturday it’s hard to believe this time next year she will already be in kindergarten. Jay is growing quickly as well I don’t think it will be too much longer and he’ll be crawling all over the place, look out dogs! Erin is adjusting to her new position in cardiac rehab and for the most part has enjoyed the change of scenery from the floor nursing. That pretty much puts wrap on the week, hopefully we will be caught up at work by Friday and I can enjoy the weekend with my family and friends.


So normally I don't get very nervous about college level courses, however I found myself more nervous and overwhelmed than ever before. There seems to be so many different requirements and I just hope I can pick it up before it gets too deep into the course. I know I can do it, I just hope I don't let myself down and get discouraged. I know I have what it takes but family life, work and military always makes things a little more challenging. If I keep my eye on the prize, (finishing and making my boys proud), I know I will power through it all.

So plan of attack is to no overthink things, take the criticism as it comes and only handle what I can handle at a time. Good luck and keep your head upright and forward facing.

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Lorraine Patrick
Bellevue University
Freeman/Lozier Library
1000 Galvin Rd. S.