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LDR (Undergraduate Leadership Degree): SAMPLE: EFFECTIVE PEER REPLIES

The purpose of the guide is to provide students with convenient access to the weekly readings and materials needed to complete each online course in the LDR program.

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I liked your post. When you were discussing the different learning styles and how they applied to you it sounded like you were a little bit of each of the VAK learning styles. Throughout your post you said you were auditory, a little hands on and a little bit of a visual learner. You also said that you like to teach to all three learning styles. Do you think your affinity with all three learning styles helps you with this?

I like how humble and honest you were when you talked about your teaching style and the difficulties you had going through the technical course. I think you joke with the students about your own troubles probably relieves some of the anxiety they might have on being judged and not performing to standard. I have seen this with my own students that if I tell them I had trouble with something they are more apt to come to me with questions or difficulties they are having.

The article you read sounds interesting and I think I will read it after my assignments for this week are done. I also think I would have problems with the articles statement “The students that had lower grade point averages liked softer illumination, with lots of background noise, normally sitting on their bed or the couch. They took lots of breaks, and frequently had food and drinks present.” I do not think that it is a good idea for educators to believe one learning style is better than the others and that their students would have lower grades because of their preferences. I think that as long as a student is motivated they can learn anything some just need more time than others.

Again great post,






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Lorraine Patrick
Bellevue University
Freeman/Lozier Library
1000 Galvin Rd. S.