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Homelessness: Problem-Based Learning


undefinedWelcome to the Bellevue University guide for Homelessness: Problem-Based Learning.  This guide provides a good starting point for general research on this topic. The recommended resources cover various aspects of this social issue, including mental illness, economic variables, trauma, impact on the community and ethical implications. Resources will cover global, regional, and local perspective on this issue. 




Links to related guides:

Problem Solving Toolbox:

Collaborative Toolbox:

Citizenship Toolbox:

Communication Toolbox:

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BUILD IT is an online guide to the Bellevue University Library and all its resources and services. It  is made up of five self contained modules, each followed by an interactive quiz. Go through BUILD IT from beginning to end or start at the Site Map using just the pages you need. Click on the link above or on one of the modules below, or look for BUILD IT in the left menu of the library homepage under Tutorials.

Module One: Getting to Know the Bellevue University Library
An overview of library resources and services and introduction to the library homepage.

Module Two: Planning Your Project
The steps involved in planning your research paper: Includes focusing your topic, outlining, identifying keywords, Boolean searching, and more.

Module Three: Locating Information
Finding and evaluating information, including books, eBooks, articles, and websites. Includes sample and interactive database searches.

Module Four: Citing Your Sources
Covers the basics of plagiarism, citation, and copyright.

Module Five: Putting it all together
How to organize your research into a formal paper, includes note taking, revising, and formatting.