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The Holocaust HI 366: Home

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Library on the Go

Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025

Time: 11:00am - 12:30pm CST (Central Standard Time, US & Canada)

Campus: Bellevue University Educational Services Building (ESB)Upper Level Lobby

Information: Information HERE


Stop by our table to browse books, enjoy snacks, hear about Library programming, and be entered into a book raffle! We will be bringing books for the themes of Memoirs, Viva La Resistance, The Cover Was Blue, and New Arrivals.

Find full lists and the online request form at

Makerspace Pop-Up: Metal Stamping

Date: Friday, March 28, 2025

Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST (Central Standard Time, US & Canada)

Campus: Bellevue University Freeman/Lozier Library LIB 460

Register: HERE

Registration is required.


Drop by the library for an open Makerspace session where we'll teach you how to use the metal stamping tools! Attendees will be able to make their own custom keychain or pendant piece. Supplies will be provided.

Common Research Pitfalls - Subject Headings & Cited Sources

Date: Monday, March 31, 2025

Time: 3:00pm - 4:00pm CST (Central Standard Time, US & Canada)

Online: Register HERE

This is an online meeting. Registration is required.


Learn how to find appropriate Library of Congress headings and use those headings in the catalog to search. Reference Librarian Kyle Williams will teach you search tactics for finding related articles through sources cited in the Discovery Search. With this information, you will be able to utilize the Library's catalog to streamline your search process.

Pressed Flower Bookmarks

Date: Thursday, April 3, 2025

Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST (Central Standard Time, US & Canada)

Campus: Bellevue University Freeman/Lozier Library

Information: HERE


Come join us at the library and design bookmarks that feature pressed flowers! Supplies will be provided.

Online Library Instruction

Date: Tuesday, April 8, 2025

Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST (Central Standard Time, US & Canada)

Online: Register HERE

This is an online meeting. Registration is required.


Want to know more about how to navigate the library website and utilize its resources and tools? This instructor-led online library instruction tutorial will walk you through the main functions of the library, and show you how and where to search. This is a great tool for online students who want a more in depth understanding of the library without having to visit the library.

Virtual Reference Help


Date: Schedule at least 24 hours in advance

Time: CST (Central Standard Time, US & Canada)

Campus: Remote Session (Zoom meeting)

Online: Make an Appointment

This is an online meeting. Registration is required.


Do you have reference questions or need help using library resources? Book a Zoom room to chat with one of our librarians! They can walk through the problem with you and even share your screen (if you get stuck).

Personal Librarian Program


Enroll: Information


The Personal Librarian Program pairs you with a BU Librarian to work with one-on-one throughout your academic career and answer questions about the research process.


Welcome to the Bellevue University guide for The Holocaust HI366This guide provides electronic and print resources to support this course. Resources include electronic books, journal articles, and streaming videos. In addition, there is a separate tab for library databases that are most useful for finding more information on management of information systems, as well as a websites tab listing good online sources of information. There is also a Citations tab with links to tools to use for citing sources.

You will be prompted for your Bellevue University login when accessing the library resources from off campus.

If you need further assistance, please view this Libguides video or contact the  Bellevue University Library Reference Staff 

For more resources please the Nazi Germany Holocaust LibGuide 

Libguides Video





BUILD IT is an online guide to the Bellevue University Library and all its resources and services. It  is made up of five self contained modules, each followed by an interactive quiz. Go through BUILD IT from beginning to end or start at the Site Map using just the pages you need. Click on the link above or on one of the modules below, or look for BUILD IT in the left menu of the library homepage under Tutorials.

Module One: Getting to Know the Bellevue University Library
An overview of library resources and services and introduction to the library homepage.

Module Two: Planning Your Project
The steps involved in planning your research paper: Includes focusing your topic, outlining, identifying keywords, Boolean searching, and more.

Module Three: Locating Information
Finding and evaluating information, including books, eBooks, articles, and websites. Includes sample and interactive database searches.

Module Four: Citing Your Sources
Covers the basics of plagiarism, citation, and copyright.

Module Five: Putting it all together
How to organize your research into a formal paper, includes note taking, revising, and formatting.

LibGuide Curator

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