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Jessica Omer

Library News

Online Library Instruction

Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Time: 7:00pm - 8:00pm CST (Central Standard Time, US & Canada)

Online: Register HERE

This is an online meeting. Registration is required.


Want to know more about how to navigate the library website and utilize its resources and tools? This instructor-led online library instruction tutorial will walk you through the main functions of the library, and show you how and where to search. This is a great tool for online students who want a more in depth understanding of the library without having to visit the library.

Metal Stamping Demonstration

Date: Thursday, March 13, 2025

Time: 2:00pm - 3:00pm CST (Central Standard Time, US & Canada)

Campus: Bellevue University Freeman/Lozier Library LIB 460

Register: HERE

Registration is required.


Join the library for a presentation by Karla Carter about using the metal stamping tools available in the library's Makerspace collection.

Library on the Go

Date: Thursday, March 20, 2025

Time: 11:00am - 12:30pm CST (Central Standard Time, US & Canada)

Campus: Bellevue University Educational Services Building (ESB)Upper Level Lobby

Information: Information HERE


Stop by our table to browse books, enjoy snacks, hear about Library programming, and be entered into a book raffle! We will be bringing books for the themes of Memoirs, Viva La Resistance, The Cover Was Blue, and New Arrivals.

Find full lists and the online request form at

Virtual Reference Help


Date: Schedule at least 24 hours in advance

Time: CST (Central Standard Time, US & Canada)

Campus: Remote Session (Zoom meeting)

Online: Make an Appointment

This is an online meeting. Registration is required.


Do you have reference questions or need help using library resources? Book a Zoom room to chat with one of our librarians! They can walk through the problem with you and even share your screen (if you get stuck).

Personal Librarian Program

Previously called the Research Assistance Program (RAP)


Enroll: Information


The Personal Librarian Program pairs you with a BU Librarian to work with one-on-one throughout your academic career and answer questions about the research process.


What is Library on the Go?

The purpose of Library on the Go is to enable patrons who do not come into the library to make informed decisions on monthly themes and check out library materials. This event is held in the upper level lobby of ESB once per quarter. Patrons are able to check out any available items on the Library on the Go list, which can be sent to their office or home addresses.

If you need further assistance contact

The November Library on the Go selections feature Spies, Family Stories, Staff Picks, and New Arrivals. We will be in the upper level lobby of ESB from 11:00 to 12:30pm on Thursday, November 10, 2022. Staff will be available to help answer questions while you peruse this month’s selections.

Once you have had a chance to look at the Library on the Go title list for the month, you can put in your item requests in our digital form and we will be sure to get your choices to you! Don’t forget that additional non-list items from our collection may be requested as well.

Off-Campus Access

You will be prompted for your BRUIN Connect login when you attempt to access the online library databases from off-campus. .Your password is the same one you use for Blackboard. If you experience issues logging in, try clearing your browsing history and/or change browsers  Make sure your password is current; it must be changed every 90 days. Click here to change your password

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