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EMGT: Week 1
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EMGT 410
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EMGT 410 Week 1 Websites
Drills and exercises guidance for inclusive emergency planning.
FEMA Exercises
EMGT 410 Week 1 Videos
LibGuide Curator
Lorraine Patrick
Email Me
Schedule Appointment
Bellevue University
Freeman/Lozier Library
1000 Galvin Rd. S.
EMGT 410 (Exercise Design) Week 1
Principles of emergency planning and management
Alexander, D.
Liverpool University Press (2014).
EMGT 410 Week 1 Journal Articles
Challenges and obstacles in sharing and coordinating information during multi-agency disaster response. Propositions from field exercises.
Bharosa, N., Lee, J., & Janssen, M.
Information Systems Frontiers (2010). Vol. 12(1), pgs. 49-65.
So, you want to run an exercise?
Callan, T.
Australian Journal of Emergency Management (2009). Vol. 24(2), pgs. 59-62.
Arching from function to form—Important design elements of simulation exercises (SimEx) in emergency response and disaster risk management.
Covaciu, A. I., Abrahamsson, M., Beck, A., Rai, S., Sapkota, N., Shapiro, M., & Szarzynski, J.
Education Sciences (2021), Vol. 11 (11), p718.
Business continuity from preparedness to recovery: A standards based approach.
Tucker, E.
Butterworth-Heinemann (2015).
Tsunami warning and preparedness: An assessment of the U.S. tsunami program and the nation's preparedness efforts.
National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Ocean Studies Board, and Committee on the Review of the Tsunami Warning and Forecast System and Overview of the Nation's Tsunami Preparedness.
ProQuest E-Book Central (2011).
Assessing emergency management training and exercises.
Sinclair, H., Doyle, E.E., Johnston, D.M., & Paton, D.
Disaster Prevention and Management (2012). Vol. 21(4), pgs. 507-521.
EMGT 410
Week 2 >>