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MSOP: Journal Articles
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Business/Management Scholarly Article Search
Journal Articles
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4 Pillars of Sucess
Sanders, Dan
Baylor Business Review, Spring2009, Vol. 27 Issue 2, p28-31
Ability, openness, and managerial decision making
Wen, L., & Zhou, H.
Publication Date: 2009
Atlantic Economic Journal, 37(2), 197-208.
An Analysis of the relation between employee-organization value congruence and employee attitudes
Amos, E. A., & Weathington, B. L.
Publication Date: 2008
Journal Of Psychology, 142(6), 615-631.
An Application of value-of-information to decision process reengineering
Keisler, J. M., & Brodfuehrer, M.
Engineering Economist, 2009, Vol. 54 Issue 3, p197-221
Avoiding the mistakes of the past
Jacobsen, J.
The Journal for Quality and Participation Summer2008, Vol. 31 Issue 2, p4-8,39
Breakdowns in Implementing Models of Organization Change
Van de Ven, A. H., & Sun, K.
Publication Date: 2011
Academy Of Management Perspectives, 25(3), 58-74.
CEO Leadership styles and the implementation of organizational diversity practices: Moderating effects of social values and age
Ng, E., & Sears, G.
Publication Date: 2011
Journal Of Business Ethics, 105(1), 41-52.
Do teams who agree to disagree make better decisions?
Stuart, D.
Academy of Management Perspectives, May2007, Vol. 21 Issue 2, p74-75
Ethical consistency in managerial decisions
Hopkins, W. E., Hopkins, S. A., & Mitchell, B. C.
Publication Date: 2008
Ethics & Behavior, 18(1), 26-43.
Facilitating problem solving: A case study using the devil's advocacy technique
Hartwig, R. T.
Group Facilitation: A Research & Applications Journal, 2010, Vol. 10, p17-31
The Importance of cultural competence in caring for and working in a diverse America
Parker, V. A.
Publication Date: 2010
Generations, 34(4), 97-102.
Individual and group decision making under risk: An experimental study of Bayesian updating and violations of first-order stochastic dominance.
Charness, G., Karni, E., & Levin, D.
Publication Date: 2007
Journal of Risk & Uncertainty, 35(2), 129-148.
Influence of national culture on decision-making Style.
Podrug, Najla
South East European Journal of Economics & Business (1840118X); Apr2011, Vol. 6 Issue 1, p37-44
The Innovation process and quality tools
Levesque, Justin; Walker, H Fred
Quality Progress40. 7 (Jul 2007): 18-22.
The seven new quality tools are: 1. affinity diagram, 2. relations diagram, 3. tree diagram, 4. process decision program chart, 5. Arrow diagram, 6. matrix diagram, and 7. matrix data analysis.
Managing change through networks and values
Johnson-Cramer, M., Parise, S., & Cross, R.
Publication Date: 2007
California Management Review, 49(3), 85-109.
A Measure of attitudes towards flexible work options
Albion, M. J.
Publication Date: 2004
Australian Journal Of Management (University Of New South Wales), 29(2), 275-294.
Organizational Ethics, Individual Ethics, and Ethical Intentions in International Decision-Making Elango, B; Paul, KarenView Profile; Kundu, Sumit KView Profile; Paudel, Shishir KView Profile. Journal of Business Ethics97.4 (Dec 2010): 543-561.
Elango, B; Paul, Karen; Kundu, Sumit K; Paudel, Shishir K.
Journal of Business Ethics97.4 (Dec 2010): 543-561.
Organizational structure and managerial decisions
Legerer, P., Pfeiffer, T., Schneider, G., & Wagner, J.
Publication Date: 2009
International Journal Of The Economics Of Business, 16(2), 147-159.
Paradigm of workforce cultural diversity and human resource management
Kautish, P.
Publication Date: 2012
Vidwat: The Indian Journal Of Management, 5(1), 37-41.
The Potential of Erin Brockovich to introduce organizational behavior topics
Forbes, J., & Smith, J. E.
Publication Date: 2007
Organization Management Journal, 4(3), 207-218
Quality function deployment aids effective strategic decision making: Aligning customer demands with future business plans
Strategic Direction 26.8 (2010): 30-32.
Some of the recent organizational behavior concepts as precursors to workplace spirituality
Pawar, B.
Publication Date: 2009
Journal Of Business Ethics, 88(2), 245-261.
"Sticky information" and the locus of problem solving: implications for innovation
von Hippel, E.
Management Science, Vol. 40, No. 4 (Apr., 1994), pp429-439
Structured inventive thinking: A conceptual approach to real-world problems
Sickafus, E.
Industrial Physicist, Mar1996, Vol. 2 Issue 1, p18
System thinking: Strategic planning
Batra, A., Kaushik, P., & Kalia, L.
SCMS Journal of Indian Management, Dec2010, Vol. 7 Issue 4, p5-12
When lifestyles collide: An Adlerian-based approach to workplace conflict
Barclay, S. R., & Wolff, L. A.
Publication Date: 2011
Journal Of Individual Psychology, 67(2), 122-135.
Workplace conflict: A strategic leadership imperative
Singleton, R., Toombs, L. A., Taneja, S., Larkin, C., & Pryor, M.
Publication Date: 2011
International Journal of Business & Public Administration, 8(1), 149-163.
Workplace flexibility for hourly lower-wage employees: A strategic business practice within one national retail firm
Swanberg, J. E., James, J. B., Werner, M., & McKechnie, S. P.
Publication Date: 2008
Psychologist-Manager Journal, 11(1), 5-29.
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